Monday, June 1, 2009

How frustrated am I?

Ugh. I'm so frustrated, the weather is not cooperating with me this week. It is supposed to be horrible weather this Friday, the day of my bridals. So I have to reschedule. I was so looking forward to this Friday to kinda get a glimpse into what the wedding day would be like. And how I would feel to be that dressed up and mother nature just crapped on my parade. :(

So as of now those pictures will be postponed until June 20th. Hopefully it will be nice weather that day. So everyone keep their fingers crossed for me. It was not the best weather the day we were supposed to have our engagements either, which forced us to change it, so I hope this isn't going to become a trend. But on a lighter note John did a wonderful thing and surprised me with news that he snuck off Friday after work and picked out the tuxedos for everyone and got himself measured. So that was nice of him to finally do (after I asked him 2 months ago to do it). Maybe he seen and felt how tense, frustrated, stressed, and anxious I have become now that it is getting closer. Either way and whatever the reason he helped and was great of him, I made sure I gave him an extra kiss for doing that. :)
Well that's it for now. I'll keep you posted on the bridals as the weather changes. Hopefully sunny.
Love you guys! Sara