Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Mailing the Invitations

I will be mailing the invitations on the 12th! Finally! We only have like 6 weeks to the wedding, it's coming so quick! Just doing the final preparations during July and then it will be here. So exciting!
So people within the next couple weeks you should keep an eye out for yours! :D
Talk to you all later!
Love, Sara

Monday, June 22, 2009

John's Wedding Band has been ordered

Here is John's ring I ordered for him, It should be here sometime tomorrow! He is really excited as am I. Good right? He should be excited! It's a Tungsten ring, they are supposed to be the most durable material out there so he can't accidently destroy it. Not that he would but then again it is John we are talking about. lol. Just kidding. Kind of.

Flower girl dresses are finished completely!

They look so cute in them, Hope was with her dad on this day so I just had to deal with Savannah and Lexi but that's okay. They look adorable! I'm getting so excited I can barely stand it! :)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


So I am getting addresses ready so we can get our labels for the invitations so please people if you haven't sent me your address yet then please do so SOON! Thats all for now.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Stress,stress, stress

So it's decided, if I get one more piece of bad news or disappointing news I just might have a melt down. I'm pretty sure I'm on my breaking point. Every time we get some kind of good news we get twice as many pieces of bad. It's a never ending battle that I can't seem to shake off. Thus the never ending reference. So here's whats going on, The weather changed back into being just overcast with no rain which apparently is the best lighting you can have when getting photographed outside so we decided to keep the bridal date for Friday June 5th. But then this morning it went back to being rainy tomorrow so we had to move it AGAIN to the 20th. Which I guess is fine. I was really excited I went and had my dress pressed so it would look great for the pictures and it wasn't exactly cheap and now we did it for nothing. So now that it's moved to the 20th my hair person can no longer do it cause she will be out of town. And everyone I call is either too expensive or doesn't work on Saturdays. (Really though? Why wouldn't you work on a sat?) Now all this may sound silly but with everything else that John and I have had to endure this just added to the frustration. There are people in my family that have been great through most of the planning process and then today I got news that I really wasn't okay with but really I can't do anything about it which again is frustrating cause what happened or what is going to happen isn't really fair to me and John on that day, so I said nothing in our defense. I really thought that for that one day people would just deal with whatever their problem was or upset about for us, so they could be there for us but I'm starting to see that, that is just not a realistic notion. And that really saddens me cause I thought my family do more for than that. I'm just ready to lock myself in a room where no one can call and gripe about anything else and if they had something to say then they just couldn't find me to do so. Everyone knows who they are that are being pretty horrible so no names are necessary. So I really hope things start to lighten up and start to be happy again cause this really isn't how it should be while planning such a celebration. People are losing focus of why they are there in the first place.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Invitations are here!

They are here people! I'm so excited, they look so good. However the dumb people sent the WRONG envelope size! These ones are too long and too short all in one! So my wedding consultant is calling them (hopefully as we speak) to have the correct size sent over. Soon I hope. I am supposed to mail them out about 6 weeks before the wedding which would be by like July 2nd. I think I did that right, :) Well anyways they are here and will be coming to all of you soon enough. Again if you haven't sent me your address please do so soon. It will be my task each week to hand address some until they are all eventually done. . Maybe I'll just use the computer and type them all up and then print them that sounds a little easier and less time consuming. I'm not going to post a picture cause I want them to be a surprise to all of you!

Anywho love you all, Sara

Monday, June 1, 2009

How frustrated am I?

Ugh. I'm so frustrated, the weather is not cooperating with me this week. It is supposed to be horrible weather this Friday, the day of my bridals. So I have to reschedule. I was so looking forward to this Friday to kinda get a glimpse into what the wedding day would be like. And how I would feel to be that dressed up and mother nature just crapped on my parade. :(

So as of now those pictures will be postponed until June 20th. Hopefully it will be nice weather that day. So everyone keep their fingers crossed for me. It was not the best weather the day we were supposed to have our engagements either, which forced us to change it, so I hope this isn't going to become a trend. But on a lighter note John did a wonderful thing and surprised me with news that he snuck off Friday after work and picked out the tuxedos for everyone and got himself measured. So that was nice of him to finally do (after I asked him 2 months ago to do it). Maybe he seen and felt how tense, frustrated, stressed, and anxious I have become now that it is getting closer. Either way and whatever the reason he helped and was great of him, I made sure I gave him an extra kiss for doing that. :)
Well that's it for now. I'll keep you posted on the bridals as the weather changes. Hopefully sunny.
Love you guys! Sara