Saturday, August 1, 2009

Did you all hear?

Did you hear? John and I's wedding is doomed! Its going to be a total mess, and we will just get divorced in a few years anyways, according to one sister of mine who has been removed from the wedding. I had one of the hardest days of my life yesterday. But I already have a much better and happier choice already in place. So thank you Amanda you truly are the best friend I always knew you were and sister that I wish I had instead of the one who said such hurtful things to me yesterday. I knew this whole time what she (the sister who shall not be named because just the look of her name makes me sick to my stomach) would do when the wedding was closing in on us. She just proved to everyone all over again that she is selfish, vindictive, vengeful, hateful, and a jealous person who feels the need to try to bring people down to her level just to make herself feel better about the situation. I have so many emotions going through me right now that I just don't even know how to deal with them. I'm sad, hurt, stressed, disgusted, and most of all LIVID! I don't deserve this and she knew that but who cares about my feelings, her daughters feelings, and the rest of the family. This is the last time she will ever hurt me, or even have a chance to. If there were a legal action to have someone disowned I would start the paper work today. The worst part about all of this is I will never see my nephew, even less than I do now. It makes me sick. But you know what I do get some satisfaction knowing that she has to live with her guilt and her corrupted conscience for the rest of her life and quite frankly that will be like a prison to her. I'm done with this, I'm moving on. My life will be better off.