Hello everyone! Just an update, I know I haven't written on here for a while but I haven't had anything new for you. I do now though, it's not super exciting though. On April 24th I have made an appointment for John to take his groomsmen (which he still needs to ask! ugh. men.) to get their tuxedos picked out, his and my dads as well. So that will be fun for him I think. Then a couple weeks later we have our engagement photos to do. On May 2nd and as soon I as I get them I will post them. We still need to pick our location for them to be taken at but the date is set for them to be done at least. I say that earns us some new clothes! :) Maybe John a hair cut? Probably not but I can hope. Anywho that's it for now. Until next time.... Talk to you later!
Love, Sara